

基礎英語3(2016)/Lesson 161, 162

Lesson 161

  • I knew this was going to happen.
  • アスカとユキチ、何はともあれ高校合格おめでとう。
  • "upside down" はチューリップの曲にあるのでよく耳になじんでいる。裏返しは inside out.

Lesson 162

  • Guess what!
  • "Guess what." は LOVE STORY という小説の中に出てきたなあ……。自分の中ではクライマックスのシーン。

"Guess what, Mrs. Barrett," I said.
"You got fired," guessed my optimistic wife.
"No. Fired up," I replied, and pulled out the tickets.
"Up, up and away," I said. "Tomorrow night to Paris."
"Bullshit, Oliver," She said. But quietly, with none of her usual mock-aggression. As she spoke it then, it was a kind of endearment: "Bullshit, Oliver."
"Hey, can you define 'bullshit' specifically, please?"
"Hey, Ollie," she said softly, "that's not the way we're going to do it."
"Do what?" I asked.
"I don't want Paris. I don't need Paris. I just want you –"
"That you've got, baby!" I interrupted, sounding falsely merry.
"And I want time," she continued," which you can't give me."
-Erich Segal, LOVE STORY, 1970