

入門ビジネス英語2014/UNIT 41(review), UNIT 42(review)

UNIT 41 (2nd times)


Walk me through how it works. いい表現だ。

UNIT 42 (2nd times)



It's funny.
I had a friend retell a story about her business in America. She ran a sushi shop, Japanese restaurant, in Las Vegas with her husband. It was his dream and they were so happy to have it realized when the store opened.
At that time, restaurant lasted about one year on average. Once they reached that milestone, she said they knew they had made it.
It was their dream come true, and the very definition of milestone.

なぜ急にディクテーションに挑戦してみたかというと、この中に restaurant lasted about one year on average という一文があったからだ。このlastの使い方は今週「基礎英語3」で習ったもの。聞きながら「おう、なるほど」と思った。UNIT 42を初回に聞いた時(9月10日)は聞き逃していた(聞き取れなかった)のに。「知っている言葉は聞き取れる」のだ。