




Ed: Are you getting an idea of what proactive listening is?
Ed: Yes, business can be complex and hard to understand especially international business. So it's important to get the details right.
Ed: Katsunori will be recieving an asignment from his manager, Jimmy.

idea of what のofは聞き取れない。意味から考えれば、言っているのだろうが。

In the middle of "Key Expression in Action":

Kay: So Ed, what exactly do you mean by 'K.I.S.S'? To kiss someone...?
Ed: No, no, no! Well, I'll explain that later in the Intercultural Notes.
Kay: O.K.

After "Other Useful Phrases":

Ed: That's right. So, Kay, can you do the rest of the show by yourself?
Kay: Please don't throw me in the deep end.
Ed: Ha ha ha. I'm just kidding.

rest of the showのof theは、何かしゃべっているのはわかるが、なんと言っているのかは全く不明。

End of program:

Ed: Right. Well, everyone, remember to K.I.S.S. and we will look forward to having you with us again. Until then.
Ed & Kay: Good-by.

久しぶりのビジネス英語。エドとケイの会話は、まあソコソコ聞き取れるようにはなった。To kiss someone...? とボケるケイにNo no no! と強い調子で言い返すエドに、思わず笑ってしまった。英語のやり取りを聞いて笑えたのは良かった。

Review Quizは4問中正答は2問のみ。なんか、間違えたのも、完全に間違いとは言えなくもないような気がするが……