Lesson 45
Words & Phrases
- big picture 【⇒2016, Lesson 41】(Our CSR report will give you the big picture.)【⇒2015, Lesson 19】(Now that we've shared the big picture regarding our recent performance, let's discuss future opportunities.)
- hand over【⇒2016, Lesson 46】(Now, I'd like to hand over to Kenji for our final point.)【⇒2015, Lesson 15】(Now, I'll hand it over to Jane to talk about prayer rooms, which you just asked about.)
- neutral (a) = 〔争いで立場が〕中立の、一方に肩入れしない
- Neutral in this case means not having strong features. Another example of a neutral food might be pasta, as it takes on the flavor of whatever ingredients you add to it. (Kellie)
- consist of
- To consist of means to be made up of certain elements or members. For example, our section consists of ten full-time staff members, two part-time members and section chief. (Kellie)
Lesson 46
Words & Phrases
- quiche [kíːʃ](n) = 《料理》キッシュ 〔注〕フランス語。料理パイ(甘くないカスタード)。通常、チーズ・ハム・海鮮・野菜を使う
- dice (vt) = 〜をさいの目に切る、さいころくらいに切る
- To dice means to cut a food into very small cubes. The word dice comes from the dice that you use for playing board games which are cube-shaped. (Kellie)
- whisk (n) = 〔台所用品の〕泡立て器
- heat-resistant (a) = 耐熱の、熱に強い
- spinach (n) = 《植物》ホウレンソウ 〔注〕アカザ科、1〜2年草。葉が食用。鉄分が多い。漫画のポパイが悪者ブルートからオリーブを救う時の活力の素
- beaten egg
- A beaten egg is a raw egg that has been well mixed usually with a fork or a whisk. The recipe for 卵焼き for example, requires beaten eggs. (Kellie)