


Lesson 85 - 87


  • spare = (1)使うのを差し控える、(2)労力・苦痛などを免除する
    • Spare the rod and spoil the child.
  • big picture = (1)〔問題などの〕全体像、(2)大局、世界全体の動き
  • downturn = (景気・物価などの)下降、沈滞
  • recession = (一時的な)景気後退
  • wipe = ぬぐう、拭く、拭き取る
  • perseverance(n) = 頑張り、根気、不屈の努力

Today's message:

Lesson 85 : You can't succeed in anything without perseverance.

  • labor = 労働する、(骨折って)働く

Today's message:

Lesson 86 : Be sure to listen to this program every day.

  • exhaust = 枯渇させる、疲れ切らす(≒wear out):何度か出てきているが覚えられない。以下、過去の例。

Lesson 31(4/28)

Hey, slow down a little.
Sit down and have some tea.
You're always rushing here and there.
You're going to wear yourself out.
I got tired just looking at you.

Lesson 51(5/18)

I'm exhausted from walking.
And there's a nice-looking cafe.
Let's stop for a break.

Lesson 82(6/18)

Working with Marty is an amazing experience. He's got so much energy and enthusiasm. He'll wear you out, but you'll get a lot accomplished.

  • treat = もてなし

Today's message:

Lesson 87 : Don't look back, look straight ahead.