


入門ビジネス英語2014/UNIT 29, UNIT 30

UNIT 29 Today's phrase It's a simple but effective tool for measureing growth. = シンプルですが、成長を計るには効果的なツールです effectは効き目が目に見えて現われる様子を言い表わす measure = (寸法・分量などを)測る、測定する/(〜の効果や…

Enjoy Simple English

Listening This Year's Wish (2nd times) William Shakespeare (2nd times)

基礎英語3(2014年度)/Lesson 057, Lesson 058

Lesson 057 Can-do Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Central station from here? That's easy. Just follow the signs. Words & phrases remain (vi) = (状態が)依然として(引き続き・相変わらず)〜のままである seat (vt) = 〜を着席させる…